Day 1

I have been playing with the idea for a while now of creating a blog about my life. It has been inspired by many different aspects of my life. For the last six months or so I have also been working on my fitness level. Today, while watching revenge body I became inspired once more to log my fitness journey. I have a want for a revenge body and as the two today realized, I do not want that revenge body as much for revenge against someone, but just for me to feel better. There is a side of me that wants the revenge body to be able to say you see assholes! I am beautiful and awesome, just like the name of the show implies, but for the most part, I just want be fit. For me fitness is not about numbers. Very few fitness programs go after just fit. They always put an emphasis on a number. Now, numbers can help us know how fit we are, but the real test is through life. What can and can't you do?

A big reason I feel the way I do about fitness is because at 5'4" my "ideal" weight via Broca's index is 120lbs. This is ridiculous for me. This article explains the difference between weight estimations. Now if you go by the BMI chart I should be no more then 145lbs and implies that I carry a lot of fat. This may or may not be true. The article before also mentions the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company chart for weight. This page has more information on how to find your measurements. I measured my elbow by myself, so it might be a bit off, but my elbow is about 3" wide. If you look at the chart that means my elbow is almost a 1/2" bigger then the medium frame elbow. If you look at the chart for large frame individuals my ideal weight is somewhere between 134-151 lbs. That is very reasonable. My weight goal is to get down to the 150's or even just the 160's and then reevaluate from there. So the big difference between how I do weight loss and how I see most others do weight loss is that my weight loss is about getting within range of a close to proper weight and then reevaluate, instead of simply going for a particular weight. Also, when I am speaking to others I always try to make sure I mention that I'm not just going for a weight. I'm going for fitness and I think that I will weigh somewhere near x when I am actually fit.

When you first build a fitness plan there are three things you need to address right away. Exercise, nutrition, and mental health. My first thing to do on this journey is to make myself a schedule, so that I will work out. One big issue for many people is they don't move enough at work. Thankfully, I am a substitute teacher, so I do at least get plenty of time to walk as a general rule. While walking 10,000 steps a day will definitely help you get where you are going with your fitness, doing more is often necessary to actually make any real changes. I will be practicing yoga, belly dancing, general body weight work, and some limited weight lifting work. As far as nutrition goes I'm not too worried. My plan is to generally try to eat decent stuff and make sure I am eating when I should and not eating when I shouldn't. That being said I have tried different weight loss plans that revolve around nutrition and learned a lot. Making sure you eat enough on a regular basis, but also don't eat your feelings is just as important as eating well balanced meals and not just junk food. Mental health is huge because it can cause so many road blocks for fitness. I will continue to try to work through my baggage. Due to my religious feelings ranging from agnostic to less common thoughts I may or may not include those thoughts here. I hate when people hold your religious thoughts against you.

I have scheduled my workouts and I have a plan for them as well. Tonight my husband and I took pictures of each other as where we started pictures. This is actually me down 10lbs or so.


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