Back at it?

So, I've been back to thinking about sharing my thoughts again. Partially, just as a way to get my thoughts down for myself, but also because I hope there is a chance that my journey may help another learn things easier.

I have been listen to some romance novels as a "guilty" pleasure. "Guilty" because I don't actually feel any guilt over it. I know some might judge me and make fun of it, but its my way of loosing myself. The most recent one is very religious, but it doesn't bother me. "The governess of highland hall" is very non-judgmental. The characters are very religious, but don't judge others. They seek to know what God wish for them to do and only ask for help to stand by any trials and help to make the right decision. One of my biggest issues with many churches I have been to and how many people treat their faith is that God is going to grant them money. I've always felt that was very wrong. I don't feel like you should ever ask God to give you a big house or some other such thing.

What if people today didn't claim a religion and just bypassed the subject when others brought it up? What if we treated it more like a personal matter and less like something to be shoved down other's throats? What if we were to treat spreading the message of the good vaccines do, like many do "God's word"? My soul is my personal worry. My very close friends and I may discuss it as a very intimate topic. I do not want to have a debate about it like I would political thoughts. Many people don't even treat it like that. Its closer to rampaging about something like, "stop being stupid and get your kids vaccinated and let us treat that infection with antibiotics." Like rampaging about child abuse.

Switching topics. I woke up from a nap earlier with a horrible case of indigestion. I didn't know what I wanted to do to fix it. I knew I should try something I could drink. Well after rummaging and some thinking I tried heating up some Ginger Aid tea. On the ingredients it said something about a lemon like plant and when I sniffed the warmed tea I realized a splash of lemon sounded great. I did that and sweetened with some honey. My stomach doesn't feel perfect, but it does feel sooo much better. I had this moment where I felt like one of the characters from the book I mentioned earlier. I was asking God/the universe/the gods, whatever you want to call it, "what do I do?" and I felt this push that lemon juice was perfect. I then had a want to put it in a spell book or "Book of Shadows" one might say.

My biggest issue with keeping journals/books of recipes and the like is if I put something down I want to reference later, how do I find it? How do I even know that this book is indeed the one I wrote something like down in. So I did some googling and found a great article. How to organize a journal speaks of a few great ways to go about it. It got me thinking of the purpose of parts of a notebook. I've seen others mention ToCs, but they require you to know what is coming up. I think an index is best if you aren't sure what/when you will mention something. When creating a journal/log of things you might want to reference later, contemplate adding a date at the top of the entry. You never know when it might come in handy later. If on a later date you add a note about something, then date the note. She mentions labeling the last ten pages or so for indexing. Later if you rewrite the book or have the ability to unbind then rebind it, then you can add some pages with it a ToC. Thus why ToC are often in roman numerals? Just a thought.

Topic switch again. OMG!!! I felt my bicep today and there was muscle!!! Throwing a party in my mind right now. I have lost some more weight, but there have been a lot of ups and downs. I am so happy to be able to have something so definable a sign as bicep.

Topic switch again. I like keeping this type of journal. I think I will try to keep this up. Also, I think I will create a "spell" book. Getting my thoughts down has been something I knew I wanted to do and obviously started before. I have also realized before that I get inspiration from reading books with every day things happening. This made me think that making a romanticized version up of my life might help me enjoy common tasks more. I think this gives me an easy way to do that. I was contemplating instead of doing a straight out spell book, just doing a journal that I happened to leave notes like that in. One thing I have also been wanting to do is note when I do things more, like mowing the lawn and riding. I want the satisfaction of seeing I did things and to be able to be realistic about it. I loose track of how many days have passed since I've done something and it amazes me. I will have to keep contemplating that. One thing am about to go look at us the bullet journal idea again. Perhaps that, plus this will make up a good way to get the above done.


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